Speed Math, 2021
Deniz Celik, Esra Kirmiziyuz and M.Kaan Oz

This project aims to improve 2nd-grade students' multiplication skills by having them enjoyably practice and solve many examples, especially given the difficulty they face in memorizing the multiplication table in math classes. The aim of the game is to correctly solve multiplication problems as quickly as possible. After a brief tutorial on how to play, the game begins. The player selects the correct answers from the answer panel, and the faster they respond, the quicker their character advances. The more questions they answer correctly, the better their score. 

In this project, we created a 3-month work plan and assigned roles to team members based on their skills. The letters A, B, and C represent the initials of the team members. We used the ADDIE framework to design this project. We completed the analysis, design, development phases and finalized the first playable prototype. However, due to time constraints, we were unable to complete the implementation and evaluation phases.

Monthly work plan


In this phase, we gather feedback from three elementary school teachers which leads to refining the initial game idea. We decided to focus on a game centered around basic arithmetic operations, specifically multiplication, as it was identified as a challenging topic for students. Based on the analysis, the following learning objective were established in alignment with the  Turkish elementary mathmatics curriculum.


In design phase game design document (GDD) was prepared, containing general information about the game, controls, environment models, and details on the user interface. After selecting a character, the player picks the correct answers to multiplication problems displayed on the question panel. The quicker the player answers, the faster their character progresses, allowing them to solve more problems before reaching the finish line. 

Additionally, we designed storyboards for each game scene. These storyboards included detailed visual layouts, character movements, and user interface elements to ensure consistency throughout the game. These visual guides were prepared to assist designers and developers in maintaining design and functionality as they continue to develop and refine the game for the future.


The game was developed using the 2020.1.6.f1 version of the Unity game engine. The code was written in C# using the Visual Studio code editor. The game sounds were used royalty-free. After designing the flowchart, the UI and UX main menu were implemented. The character selection screen was coded to use a skin manager prefab that carries character sprites across scenes. A quiz manager was coded into the main scene, with a quiz algorithm that assigns all multiplication problems randomly. The system performs multiplication operations by randomizing single-digit numbers, including zero. Similarly, lists were maintained to keep track of correct and incorrect answers. Depending on the button selected by the user it is compared with the results of these operations to determine its accuracy as true or false, and appropriate feedback is triggered accordingly. Implementation and evaluation phases not finalized in this project due to time constrains.

Example of storyboard slide